Balancing the Game: September Motivation for Student-Athletes

Balancing the Game: September Motivation for Student-Athletes
Posted on September, 2024

General Message to Student-Athletes

Hello! My name is Dr. Keith Adams, President of the CKA SAVE Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to EMPOWERING student-athletes through educational and professional development.

Student-athletes often face challenges in balancing academic and athletic success. To help address this, we are introducing our Monthly Motivation series, providing professional development opportunities throughout the year. This information is drawn from Finding the Balance: My Personal Journey to Academic and Athletic Success, which you can purchase directly from our website at Let’s get started!

Stakeholder Focus of the Month: Background

Student-athletes must build positive, personal relationships with a variety of stakeholders to enhance both academic and athletic motivation. Negative stakeholder relationships can lead to resentment and damage a student-athlete’s ability to sustain motivation in college. In contrast, strong relationships can stabilize behavior and provide essential guidance. Stakeholders need to understand the unique needs of student-athletes to support their motivation effectively. When trust is present, it brings accountability, challenge, and the opportunity to achieve new heights.

September Stakeholder of the Month: Student-Athlete/Teacher Relationship

  • A positive relationship with your teacher can change your life.
  • Focus this month on improving or enhancing your relationships with your teachers.
  • Take the time to speak with your teachers outside of the classroom—it will go a long way in sustaining your success.

Find the Balance Skill of the Month: Background

Student-athletes have the potential to improve both academically and athletically every day. Each month, we will provide measurable actions that student-athletes can use to track their progress. All student-athletes should aim to accomplish these actions to enhance their academic and athletic performance.

Find the Balance Skill of the Month: Note-Taking Skills

  • Student-athletes need to learn an effective system of taking notes for various classes.
  • One suggestion is to learn Cornell Notes, which is often used in Advanced Placement classes.
  • Effective note-taking skills allow you to condense information and improve retention.

Find the Balance Action of the Month: Background

While student-athletes are accustomed to taking action on the field or court, they may struggle to transfer these skills to their academic pursuits. Each month, we will provide a measurable action to help student-athletes improve their academic performance.

Find the Balance Action of the Month: Use Structured Academic Support Systems

  • Take advantage of support services to improve your academic progress.
  • Most schools offer resources like peer tutoring or academic support teachers.
  • Utilize these structured supports to enhance your learning.

Stay CONNECTED Action of the Month: Background

The Stay CONNECTED framework serves as a guide for student-athletes and their families to proactively address academic, athletic, and socio-emotional concerns. It is guided by nine direct actions that spell out the word “CONNECTED”:

  1. Continue to stay engaged
  2. Own your learning
  3. Nutrition is important
  4. Never give up
  5. Enjoy the journey
  6. Check on each other
  7. Take time for yourself
  8. Exercise regularly
  9. Dream big

Stay CONNECTED Action of the Month: Continue to Stay Engaged

  • Maintaining engagement is crucial for achieving positive outcomes.
  • Even when it’s easy to disconnect, strive to stay involved—whether preparing for classes, participating actively, or attending study sessions.
  • Engage to the best of your ability to maximize your learning experience.

Closing Remarks

In closing, I hope our monthly message will motivate and inspire you to find a better balance between your academic and athletic endeavors. For more detailed insights, consider purchasing our book, Finding the Balance: My Personal Journey to Academic and Athletic Success. Wishing you all the best! Until next month.

Dr. Keith Adams
CKA SAVE Project

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We are committed to providing comprehensive support to student-athletes across the nation, so whether you have questions about our programs, need personalized guidance, or want to learn more about how you can contribute to our mission, we are here to help.